Triona is an important partner for Mesta’s digitalization work
Mesta AS is Norway’s largest contractor within highway construction, operations and maintenance and is responsible for a significant part of operations and maintenance on the Norwegian road network. For Mesta’s customers it’s important to ensure that data is reported correctly and there is no risk of data loss. Triona has helped Mesta to develop several parts of their daily work routines in order to increase efficiency and delivery reliability.
The Norwegian public roads administration is contracting company Mesta’s largest customer within road operations and maintenance. The work includes everything from keeping the roads open in Winter and clean and tidy in Summer. As a part of its comprehensive digitalization work Mesta has been assisted by Triona in several areas., where an important part has been to streamline reporting to customers such as the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. Triona’s Roadwork Assistant has helped Mesta to reduce a large part of its manual paperwork which previously created both unnecessary work and risks such as missed reporting. Today Mesta has a smoother work process and a more secure way of storing their logbooks.
“By using Triona Roadwork Assistant in our operational contracts we have digitized our work reporting. All logbooks are now digital, and we save a lot of time as all entries are automatically time and location stamped. With digital logbooks we know that they will not be mislaid and furthermore are also available at the office in real-time.“ Runar Nilssen, Head of IT Mesta
SINUS.Infra makes data reporting simple
When new objects, such as signs or safety barriers are erected on the Norwegian roads, they need to be registered in the NVDB (National Road Database). Previously road operators such as the Norwegian Public Roads Administration were predominantly responsible for reporting data, but this has also been transferred to the contractors who carry out the work in the road network. By using Triona’s SINUS.Infra product – a web-based product for the registration and administration of infrastructure related data – Mesta can themselves easily report data directly to the NVDB without costly intermediaries. Moreover directly from the field.
Triona’s solution has also created the preconditions for Mesta to optimize their work planning. With the SINUS Photo product the road network is documented using 360° photography, something which Mesta has chosen to do for some of their operational contracts. Photographing helps them to both document the state of the road at the start of the contract as well as to prepare the work team for the actual conditions at the site.
“Mesta is a good but demanding customer for Triona. As a contractor Mesta is included in one of our most prioritized customer segments and with their substantial requirements and expectations Mesta contributes to Triona’s development. As a user of TRA, SINUS.Infra and SINUS Photo Mesta is an important customer for Triona. I am especially impressed by the way Mesta has utilized SINUS Infra for reporting data to the NVDB. It shows that they are serious about using digitalization to improve efficiency“ Rune Dragsnes, Managing Director Triona Norge
Customer: Mesta AS
Product: TRA and SINUS.Infra
Solution: Digitalization of logbooks and registration of new data in NVDB (Nasjonal VegDataBank)
Nyckelord: #Digitalization, #Datacapture, #NVDB, #Operations