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    deserve the
    best courses
  • Full speed ahead
    Towards common
  • In position to
    change the world
  • A reliable partner 
    makes everything 

Triona is a leading and reliable supplier of innovative IT solutions within logistics and infrastructure.

We combine industry-specific competence and skills in transport infrastructure, power/energy, contractor related businesses, transports and forest industry with industry-specific products and leading-edge experience within software engineering and maintenance.

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Our products

Our products

Learn more about the most powerful product portfolio in the Nordics

With a unique portfolio of products for logistics and infrastructure, Triona offers solution helping our customers to create efficient, sustainable and secure flows of data, goods and people

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Our cases

Our cases

TNE empowers Trafikverket to edit, store, and provide information about the Swedish road network

The National Road Database (NVDB), one of the country’s master databases, is a cooperation between the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket), Sweden’s municipalities and regions, the forest industry, the Swedish Transport Agency, and the Land Survey. Trafikverket is the main authority for the NVDB and uses the TNE platform to edit, store, and provide the data from the NVDB.
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