From paper to screen in the driver’s cab
Up-to-date documentation for drivers makes for smoother operations for Örnfrakt. With a specially designed IT tool Örnfrakt have improved their forestry transportation
Timber transport drivers have basic requirements for carrying out their work. They need to know where the timber is, how much should be picked up, and who has ordered the freight. The traffic management at the haulers gets this information continuously through the information flow from SDC (Skogsbrukets DataCentral), but the drivers don’t always have as good documentation.
“When the driver is going out on a job there is a stack of delivery bookings. We realized the advantages of collecting everything in an onboard computer”, said Jan-Eric Lindberg marketing manager at Örnfrakt.
Good informed decision making
Örnfrakt haulers are based in Örnsköldsvik and operate all over Sweden. Forest transportation accounts for twenty five percent of their business and it was also here that there was the greatest need for better IT support. Jan-Eric Lindberg consulted Triona who immediately assisted with knowledge and software.
Triona chose to base the solution on its TRACS platform and customized it according to Örnfrakt’s specific requirements. To quickly give drivers the correct data from the hauler’s traffic management system was essential. The solution was an onboard computer which can receive and easily display up-to-date information both in table format and on map images.
“In the new system the drivers get good documentation for making decisions and prioritizing, straight out to the trucks. This makes it easier for the drivers to plan and react, which makes for a better process flow. The onboard computers and communication solutions between the trucks and the offices was delivered by Fleetech. In the vehicle a map, GPS, and delivery bookings are near to hand.
Triona is a good consultant for us and has the correct and relevant competence. Furthermore Triona, has a good partner in Fleetech. The collaboration between them has contributed significantly to a good result, said Jan-Eric Lindberg.