Sinus to the new counties
A large regional reform in Norway was completed by 1st January 2020. The reform created demands for new ways to maintain roads. The number of regions decreased from 19 to 11, at the same time the responsibility for maintaining the regions’ road network was moved from the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens Vegvesen) to the regions. Before the restructuring, the regions owned the roads but Statens Vegvesen was responsible for maintaining them. After the restructuring, each region had to set up their own road maintenance organization.
A region needs access to road data as a part of their road maintenance process, from planning to execution. Data is retrieved from the Norwegian national database (NVDB) and it is therefore essential that the data provided is of great quality and integrity. Based on the restructuring of all regions and the newly introduced road reference system, the regions selected a new innovative system for data capture and update to the NVDB, Triona’s product SINUS infra.
SINUS infra is used by the regions, both in the office and out in the field. SINUS infra ensures quality of data updated directly to NVDB without adding unnecessary steps, thus saving time and cost. SINUS infra can also deliver data to other infrastructure databases e.g., TNE (Transport Network Engine). The mobile client can be used on a mobile phone or tablet and complies with all types of GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System). SINUS infra is able to meet the stringent requirements for data capture and update to the NVDB.
SINUS infra is used both by road owners (for example the new regions), Statens vegvesen, councils and subcontractors responsible for updating data in infrastructure databases as a part of a maintenance contract. Users who are responsible for planning and execution of road maintenance will get faster higher quality updates, thus leading to streamlining road maintenance. Without good quality data errors could be made when planning which in turn leads to additional costs in the execution stages.
Oslo, which is both a region and a council, has a separate SINUS infra agreement with Triona. Triona has photographed all roads in 360˚ panorama and registered all important data in the NVDB relating to the main road network in Oslo. The result is a Digital Twin which consists of objects as road signs, safety barriers, and traffic calming devices. etc. where the objects are mapped to the road network.
”The new regions are very competent and ambitious customers. Many of their employees have in their earlier positions, e.g. at Statens Vegvesen, worked with road data for many years and have long experience with this. They have therefore high expectations of SINUS infra and have put high requirements on the product, which is driving the product development forward in a positive way. A close and constructive relationship with the client gives us inspiration” Sigmund Fredriksen, product owner Triona
Customer: Regions in Norway
Industry: Transport and infrastructure
Problem: As an effect of the restructuring of all regions in Norway, the regions now own the road maintenance. Data quality and integrity needs to be secured for planning and execution of road maintenance.
Solution: SINUS levererar kvalitets-säkrade data direkt till NVDB. SINUS används både på kontoret och ute i fält.
Keywords: #Data capture, #Digital twin, #road data, #NVDB, #Transport infrastructure