Digitalization of work processes for Nye Veier
Ny Veier plan, construct, operate, and maintain roadworthy motorways in Norway. During the coming 20 years they plan to build roads for nearly 150 billion NOK. Their vision is to be a completely innovative digital force in the sector. In line with this Triona and Trimble have developed an AIM solution and have started work on an asset database for the road project in Trøndelag
AIM solution and asset database
The purpose of the AIM solution is to collect and classify all digital project data. The solution will have a common platform which gives standard access to data and information for visualization and status follow-up for different road projects. The asset database takes this one step further by adding functionality to manage data and information needed for administration, operations, and maintenance. The asset database also handles all types of documentation such as product sheets, reports, images, minutes from inspections, and permits.
The solution is currently being tested in the new road project in Trøndelag, e.g. E6 Ranheim-Værnes, and can support Nye Veier during the complete road lifecycle. Some important success factors which makes it possible to manage the lifecycle is that the platform:
- has a dynamic object catalogue
- manages time dimensions (past, present, and future)
- uses a classification system (CoClass)

The screenshot above is from the AIM solution and shows the route (E6 Ranheim-Værnes) together with a 3D model of a selected tunnel on the same route.
Based on off-the-shelf products
Both the AIM solution and asset database are delivered as cloud-based services based on off-the-shelf products: TNE from Triona and Quadri from Trimble. These are tried and tested products which are continually developed and are used by many actors in the public and private sectors, e.g. Bane Nor and the Norwegian Public Roads Administration in Norway and the Swedish Transport Administration. Off-the-shelf products offer Nye Veier a robust solution which ensures road-related data and its properties are managed according to established standards from planning/design through administration, operations, and maintenance.
Well supported integrations
Important for Nye Veier is that the solution gives them an open platform with good support for integration with future systems. Configuration and flexibility are therefore the key concepts in the solution allowing the following functionality:
- The solution supports different standards and can be configured to import most formats, for example LandXML, GML, and IFC.
- The solution will have integrations with other systems. In a first step an automated data flow will be established towards PIMS, which is the customer’s chosen document management system.
- The solution supports fetching data from the Norwegian National road database (NVDB). The intention is to also add functionality which supports the storage of data required by the NVDB.
- The solution uses open interfaces (REST APIs) which allow external maintenance systems like the SINUS product portfolio to be used.
- The solution has a flexible plugin architecture which enables Triona or other external actors to develop new integrations in the future.

Reduced organizational demands
An important principle in both the AIM solution and the asset database is that the customer’s operative operations should not be overloaded. Therefore the solution is provided as cloud-based services with high availability. By requiring designers to deliver project data and actors in the administration, operations, and maintenance to exchange data a good overview of the roads is ensured during all phases. An effect of which is reduced costs and a reduced environment impact.
Digital twins
The AIM solution and asset database make up a platform which allows Nye Veier to have a digital twin during the road’s lifecycle. By using the solution costs for data capture and supply are expected to be reduced. Informed decision making can be faster and more effective and suppliers of administration, operations, and maintenance for roads can optimize resource usage and maintain a high service level at the same time as response times can be minimized.
Customer: Nye Veier
Problem definition: Collect and classify digital project data on a platform for easy access to data and information for display and status follow-up in different road projects as well as the management of data and information needed for administration, operations, and maintenance during the road’s lifecycle.
Solution: An AIM solution and an asset database supplied as cloud-based services based on off-the-shelf products: TNE from Triona and Quadri from Trimble. Includes a web portal and good possibilities for integration with other systems.
Key words: #Datacapture, #Infrastructuredata, #transportnetworkdata, #roaddata