
Triona SINUS

Triona SINUS infra, entreprenør and photo is a web-based product which helps you capture infrastructure-related image data in a cost saving, efficient, and secure way.

Triona SINUS infra can be used both in the office and out in the field delivering quality assured data directly to the Norwegian NVDB or TNE for example, without time consuming and costly intermediate steps. The mobile solution is customized for tablets and smartphones.

Here is a selection of the product’s features:

  • SINUS entreprenør reads data from NVDB and writes data to datafångst.
  • Display of images and maps. In the mobile solution the map display takes place automatically based on your current position.
  • Search for objects. When using the mobile solution this can be within a search radius of your current position.
  • Display of objects on map.
  • Functionality to fetch images with objects.
  • Register, edit, and delete objects, with direct storage in a database, e.g. Norwegian NVDB or TNE.
  • Registration module with option to browse images and register objects.
  • Built-in module for issue management, where issues can be connected to objects.
  • Functionality in the mobile solution for display of issues/assignments, which are allocated to the user, and status reporting for completed assignments.
  • Registration of object documentation with storage of image or file to e.g. Norwegian NVDB or TNE.
  • Photogrammetry, measurement (length and area), and position calculation based on images.
  • Filter functions for objects.

You can find more information about Triona SINUS Infra in our products section

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More information

For more information about Triona SINUS infra, ask Anders.

Anders Nilsson +46 70 348 80 52
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