Triona Days 2024 - Retrospective
Last week we had the privilege to once again welcome participants to Triona Days, our yearly customer event.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
We would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Triona to present its ECO product at Asphalt Days (Asfaltdagen) in Oslo 2025
Since 2023, Triona has cooperated with Innovation Norway and Arctic Asfalt on an innovation project to reduce CO2 emissions from asphalt production to paving. The project will now be presented at Asfaltdagen on 16th January 2025 in Oslo.
New opportunities with TNE Editor in the latest version of TNE
The latest version of Transport Network Engine (TNE), version 3.14 is now available. This update contains several important improvements and new features which further strengthen TNE’s place as a leading platform for management of transport network and related data.
Triona again leads the way for Oslo municipality
Triona won the procurement “Survey and planning of road and street maintenance” for Oslo municipality. The assignment is to photograph Oslo municipality’s 1365 km of roads and streets including pedestrian and bicycle lanes, register all the data in the Norwegian national road database (NVDB) as well as define a road maintenance plan for Oslo municipality.
New version of TRACS Flow offers improved transport efficiency
Many new features have been added in the latest version of TRACS Flow, in particular improved support for BEAst, Peppol, and papiNet. Many of the new features had been widely requested and several customers are already using them in production.
Triona’s cooperation, commitment, and quality rated highly by customers
In our latest customer survey, which was carried out during late spring 2024 we again received very good reviews from our customers. Nearly all our customers agree with the statement “cooperation with Triona works well”.
Triona updates map in protected forest application
The Swedish Forest Industries tasked Triona with the assignment of making the annual update to the map showing voluntary set-aside and protected forest.
Successful cooperation to simplify project follow-up with customers in C7 Projects
We recently concluded a successful project with NCC where together we created a solution to simplify quality reporting from the field to the end customer.
Bivab selects FleetControl for its next on-board IT System
Bivab, currently consisting of 35 bus companies who are also owners in Bivab, were looking for a high-performing IT solution which could easily be integrated with other systems and deliver benefits for both the bus operators and Bivab’s central organization.
Timber by Pinja at Sandåsa Timber - now in commercial operation
Sandåsa Timber, with three facilities in Sörmland are now live with their business system Timber by Pinja. The system was delivered by Triona to their two sawmills in Åker and Forssjö.
C-Load – proudly presenting version 2.0
During the last five years we have continuously modernized the technology platform that C-Load is based on, and we have now finished this major improvement. We have managed to make these improvements without unplanned C-Load production downtime, and we are very proud about that! Now we can move forward and focus on even more new features and improvements for our users.
TNE Platform key to new technical solution for NVDB
The Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) who is the main authority for the national road database (NVDB) deployed the new technical solution for NVDB in April. The new solution is based on TNE and where TNE Editor is used as the updating tool.
Lantmäteriet use TNE Editor to update the forest road network
During 2023 the Land Survey (Lantmäteriet) and Triona carried out a pilot project to evaluate the use of TNE Editor where Lantmäteriet themselves update the forest road network and associated plant. Lantmäteriet has now signed an agreement for the use of TNE Editor.
Well-attended TNE Editor Webinar
Many of Triona’s current TNE customers and other stakeholders showed great interest and attended the TNE Editor webinar presented by Triona on 21 May.
Triona appoints Lena Ridström as new CEO
Triona’s Board of Directors has today appointed Lena Ridström as the new CEO of Triona.
TNE version 3.13 released
Triona has now released version 3.13 of Transport Network Engine (TNE). In this version we have continued to develop the TNE Editor to an even more effective and powerful tool for editing network and network-related data.
C-Load – a sustainable way forward
Over the last six months, Triona’s product C-Load has been updated with several sought-after features. We are probably most excited about the steps we have taken to promote sustainability. During the previous autumn we have implemented an integration to Fair Transport to help our transport ordering clients to make a conscious choice.
Triona and Arctic Asfalt cooperate to reduce asphalt’s environmental impact
Triona and Arctic Asfalt, with support from Innovasjon Norge, have started a collaboration to reduce CO2 emissions throughout the whole asphalting workflow.
Triona helps Sveaskog navigate the forest
Triona and Creative Optimization have together developed a field tool for Sveaskog which provides suggestions for both temporary timber collection points and roads for extracting the timber as well as help find the best route through the region. By using optimal planning, the forestry industry can save a large amount of resources, both in monetary and environmental terms.
Brani Asphalt chooses Triona’s project management solution
In order to streamline their work processes, Brani Asphalt carried out a digitalization project where they evaluated in-house and external products as well as manual processes.
C7 projects’ new saas solution in operation
Triona’s will put its new SaaS version for C7 Projects into commercial operation at its first customer in March 2024. The solution includes estimation, work order management, mobile reporting, time reporting with clock in/clock out, monitoring, and invoicing.
Skogsåkarna selects TRACS Flow
Skogsåkarna who is active in the forest transportation sector, focussing on wood chips, bio fuels, and roundwood transportation, has recently selected Triona’s TRACS Flow product to manage, plan, and streamline its wood chips transportation and manage its roundwood operations.