We help Trafikverket in the development of the railway sector
20 September 2016
Triona continues to participate with senior consultants in investigations and projects in various forms of business development, including the rail sector. Last assignment as Triona received by Trafikverket is about establishing a vision for future monitoring of assets and continued work with life cycle costs for assets. We take part in the work that creates the future of smart transport infrastructure.
Triona har already other assignments for most of Trafikverkets business areas that are future-oriented, witch for the railway means specifying requirements for high-speed lines, development of way of working with signaling technology, management of spatial data and the basis for selection of IT systems in the business.
Rail transport increases in importance of Trionas customers, including users of Trionas cloud based service Lasset. Therefore it is especially good to assist Trafikverket in the development of the railway sector.