Azure Boost to Triona
29 May 2017
On 1st June 2017, in conjunction with the takeover of LiveArena TV AB’s Development and Quality Assurance operations, we warmly welcome 10 new employees to the Triona Group.
The new employees bring a wealth of expertise in Microsoft Azure’s platform and services and the takeover will give Triona a solid base for the development of its future cloud-based IT solutions. LiveArena and Triona have worked together since mid-2015 on the development of an internet web portal and mobile solutions implemented in Microsoft Xamarin. As a result of the takeover Triona will also assume responsibility for the management and future development of the server based – so called back-end components – in the LiveArena concept. The takeover will give LiveArena an increased focus on sales, marketing and concept development while achieving increased flexibility in terms of resource management.