News Archive

OpenTNF Seminar at Triona

30 January 2018

On 2nd May 2018 we will hold a seminar to discuss the future development of OpenTNF, to which you are warmly invited.

OpenTNF has up to now been developed by several organisations, with the goal of creating an open specification for the exchange of transport network data through open standards. The solutions which are or will be based on OpenTNF will increase efficiency when sharing transport network data on multiple platforms. The OpenTNF specification builds on the INSPIRE specification for Transport networks ( and a reference implementation using OGC GeoPackage ( is available at

The seminar will be held at Triona’s offices in Stockholm from 10.00 to 15.00 on 2nd May 2018. To register send an email to, no later than 11th April 2018.

Read the full version of the invitation