New integration component at VSV Frakt
VSV Frakt had an issue with different non-synergetic integration flows and costs related to each flow. These were two of the reasons that VSV Frakt decided to start their Violett project at the end of autumn 2019. The aim was to unify their integration flows as well as make these futureproof and reducing cost. The project is now complete and the goals reached.
VSV Frakt is part of the VSV group which is a logistics company specializing in forestry solutions. The company was formed in 1968 as the result of the industry’s initiative to streamline roundwood transport. Specifically this means that the company on behalf of their customers fell timber from the forests, transport roundwood, work with biofuel, and transport wood chips. In total there are ca 250 small and large companies who together form VSV/Unite. More than 600 people are offering their customers resources in the form of trucks, machines, and of course genuine forestry competence.
The project for the new integration flows involved several companies. Triona’s responsibility was to implement GITTAN, an important component in the integration flow. Put simply VSV’s integration platform GIN receives data from Biometria which GITTAN then converts to another format which is then sent to VSV’s price management system AFFÄR (which Triona has maintained for several years) which in turn creates invoicing data in VSV’s finance system.
In the GITTAN development project Triona was responsible for project management, requirements analysis, architecture, development, and test. Triona was also responsible for the coordination of the test planning for the entire project’s integration flow as well as planning and deployment.
The project’s most labor-intensive phases were carried out during a period where the project members could not meet, and all work had to be carried out remotely. That was a challenge! When several different companies need to work together in a project, without meeting and at the same time manage to understand each other in order to progress, cooperation and communication are extremely important. When looking back on the project we could see that it was exactly this we had achieved together. Our success factors were close communication, commitment, enjoyment, and having fun which made everyone not afraid to ask questions and carry on asking “why” until we had understood each other.
In summary this was a very positive experience to be part of a project which gives business benefits directly after deployment. Now it only remains to meet each other and celebrate this, which we hope we can do soon!