
Web version of FleetAnalyzer in FleetControl

17 August 2020

FleetControl offer a number of services which help keep administrative costs down at vehicle fleets by continually collecting data from vehicles and then displaying this for drivers, back-office processing, or using in other applications to increase value and/or efficiency. FleetAnalyzer, which is a part of FleetControl is now being released in phases to increase availability for users.

The web version uses responsive web design (RWD) which means that the user interface is supported on tablets and smartphones. The first released modules are health status and tracking modules.

The health status module gives an overview of the FleetControl system, which also includes other suppliers’ connected hardware and software, via a dashboard. To add monitoring for other hardware is now easier than ever. Potential errors are shown as notifications in the GUI. By linking the error to a particular vehicle with time and position one can get a map view over where the error occurred. An overview is created so one gets a faster response and improved classification when trouble-shooting.

The positioning module consists of a map view with the following features: The current vehicle position, position history filtering for each vehicle during the last three months, pin a location on the map and find vehicles nearby on a certain date/time.  Through webification of the tracking module the availability of features is increased so they can be used by several different departments in a company.

First to use the new FleetAnalyzer version is TransDev who now get an even better overview of the status of their vehicles.

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