
Energy content in sustainability reporting

13 October 2023

Biometria’s “Krönt vägval” service is used by their customers to calculate the distance used for price calculations from the pick-up point in the forest out to industry. The calculated distance is tailored for the forest industries’ transports and takes the road network’s properties into account.  

As well as calculating distances Biometria will now also offer functionality to calculate the energy content which the transport generates. Customers will then be able to use this information as a basis for their sustainability reporting. 

Triona has developed and now maintains the “Krönt vägval” service for Biometria, which is partly based on algorithms produced by Skogforsk (the Forestry Research Institute of Sweden) and partly based on Triona’s TNE & TRE products. The “Krönt vägval” services provides both a distance and a route. Krönt vägval uses data from the national road database (NVDB) supplemented with information Biometria has about the road network, for example how the timber transport should drive in or near urban areas. 

Each day over 50,000 “Krönt vägval” are calculated, which can then be fetched via an API or via a web map. 

Karta Krönt vägval-small.jpg

The image shows a “Krönt vägval” route from a forest pick-up point to a processing point in Mora. The distance is 50.3 km, and the route has been calculated for a standard vehicle (64 ton). 

“Krönt vägval” customers have expressed a strong desire to – apart from the distance and route for a timber transport – also get data for their sustainability reporting. Biometria has therefore decided to enhance the “Krönt vägval” service with a calculated energy consumption for the transport. The algorithm which calculates and assigns an energy content to each link and node in the road network has been produced by the Forestry Research Institute of Sweden. 

During the fall Triona will add the function “energy content per route” to the “Krönt vägval” service, which will present the energy content for a “Krönt vägval”. The energy content can then be converted to a CO2 equivalent. 

The aim is that customers will get access to this functionality during 2024, so it can be used in their sustainability work. 

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