
New release of TNE

21 June 2023

We have now released TNE version 3.11. TNE Editor has addtional functionality for handling base data files, which will simplify and make editing of road related data more efficient. 

More municipalities in Sweden are choosing to work with TNE and TNE Editor where Triona and Sokigo have a cooperation. In TNE 3.11 additional functionality alllows the munipalities to deliver data updates to the Swedish NVDB ( the national road database for public, municipal, and forestry road network) in a simpler and more efficient way. The TNE editor has among other things support for updating swedish NVDB properties and automatic check in of deliveries to the swedish NVDB. 

Furthermore support for working with templates has been increased in version 3.11. It is now possible to use these templates to create new projects, create more/several links and properties in one command and correct a link’s geometry. 

As we previously announced there is ongoing work at the Swedish Transport Administration (trafikverket) to swap out the technical platform for NVDB. Trafikverket has chosen TNE as a platform in the new technical solution for NVDB and the TNE editor as the updating tool. The new technical solution at Trafikverket will be in place during Autumn 2023. 

TNE is a powerful and open platform that can be customized and deployed locally but can also be offered as a cloud service. Integration with SINUS and our new TNE Editor offers new and exciting possibilities for new use cases at municipalities and other customers. 

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