C-Load – proudly presenting version 2.0
During the last five years we have continuously modernized the technology platform that C-Load is based on, and we have now finished this major improvement. We have managed to make these improvements without unplanned C-Load production downtime, and we are very proud about that! Now we can move forward and focus on even more new features and improvements for our users.
We have recently released a new version of C-Load, release 2.0 and with this we have completed the work to upgrade the product with new web technology. In addition, we have for the most part given C-Load a new look and feel. This is a major milestone for us at Triona. The work has taken about 5 years and everything “under the hood” is mostly new, at the same time we have also improved several features. We have also developed some major new features, such as spot tenders, time slot booking for pellets, as well as new reports and support for sustainability.
The main improvement in the latest version is user notifications. It is now possible to customise notifications so the users can choose the notifications they are interested in and want to be notified about. This means that the user can avoid receiving messages they are not interested in.
Our main focus is to deliver a user-friendly service with the highest possible availability which gives our customers value! With this version we have an updated technical solution which facilitates future-proof development of new functionality. Planned features are for instance general support for time slot bookings, something which has been requested by many of our customers, and to improve the possibility to follow up on the results of procurements.
We work continuously with improving C-Load and increase its competitive edge for transport procurement and transport booking. We research the market and new technical solutions, but above all we listen to what our users want. Both technology and functionality are continually modernized so we can continue to offer an efficient digitalization of the transport flow.