
Lantmäteriet use TNE Editor to update the forest road network

13 June 2024

During 2023 the Land Survey (Lantmäteriet) and Triona carried out a pilot project to evaluate the use of TNE Editor where Lantmäteriet themselves update the forest road network and associated plant. Lantmäteriet has now signed an agreement for the use of TNE Editor. 

Lantmäteriet takes aerial photos of around 30% of Sweden each year. These photos are analysed by a production unit at Lantmäteriet which then registers data based on the photos. Previously Lantmäteriet has sent the data to the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) who in turn manually updated the national road database (NVDB). This meant a considerable amount of work at Trafikverket and Lantmäteriet experienced long lead times. 

Lantmäteriet now use TNE Editor to make updates to the NVDB with direct check-ins. Lead times from registration to the data being published in Lantmäteriet’s map service has therefore been reduced from weeks to a couple of days. Apart from the work being streamlined, Lantmäteriet’s actors find it beneficial to be responsible for and to carry out updates throughout the process. By making changes with direct check-in, Trafikverket save time updating geo data. 


Figure 1: Illustration showing how the work process is streamlined using TNE Editor.

About TNE  

Transport Network Engine (TNE) is a powerful and configurable platform which offers solutions for managing road and railway network data. TNE Editor, which is a part of the TNE platform, supports editing of network and related data in an efficient way. For Trafikverket and several Swedish municipalities, TNE Editor is an important tool to manage and update this data.  

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