
Direct check-in to NVDB with TNE Editor simplifies and streamlines for municipalities

14 January 2025

During 2024 the Swedish transport administration (Trafikverket), Sokigo, and Triona worked to encourage more municipalities to update data using direct check-in. The statistics show clearly that with direct check-in usage is both significantly simplified and increased. Also, if only roughly 10% of the municipalities with TNE Editor use direct check-in, this equates to over 70% of the deliveries.


An increasing number of municipalities choose to use TNE Editor to deliver data to the National Road database (NVDB). By using TNE Editor municipalities can streamline their workflows and ensure that information is up to date in the NVDB. 

What is direct check-in? 

Direct check-in is a feature supported by TNE Editor which automates the process for delivering data to the NVDB. Instead of Trafikverket manually reviewing and approving each project, the municipalities can use direct check-in to upload automatically validated updates directly to the NVDB. 

Some of the advantages with direct check-in 

  • Faster updates: Changes are checked in directly to the NVDB and the user therefore does not have to wait for Trafikverket’s manual process. This also means that users avoid reopening projects they have previously delivered and perhaps forgotten details about the delivery. 
  • Time savings: Automation reduces the need for manual intervention which means that both Trafikverket and the municipalities save time and resources. 
  • Avoid person dependency: As there is no manual intervention Trafikverket’s management is person independent and predictable. 

Benefits with direct check-in 

Direct check-in makes it possible for municipalities to update the NVDB with current data in an easy, fast, and effective way. This means better information quality can be achieved for several actors, including the Land Survey’s (Lantmäteriet) maps and the emergency services. 

“Direct check-in with TNE Editor has streamlined our workflow. This makes it easier for us to keep the data in the NVDB up-to-date and correct, and changes are made much faster. Since we began using direct check-ins, we have increased the number of deliveries and quality on the road network and road properties on our municipal roads is continuously improving.” Caroline Roos Tanse, GIS engineer, Ludvika municipality. 

Get started with TNE Editor and/or direct check-in 

If you are already using TNE Editor and want to get started with direct check-ins, or if you are a new customer who would like to learn more about TNE Editor, contact Sokigo for more information.  Sokigo is Triona’s municipality-facing partner.  

Sokigo’s website for TNE Editor (Swedish): 

About TNE: 

Transport Network Engine (TNE) is a powerful and configurable platform which offers solutions for managing road and railway network data. TNE Editor, which is a part of the TNE platform, supports editing of network and related data in an efficient way. For Trafikverket, Lantmäteriet, and several Swedish municipalities, TNE Editor is an important tool to manage and update this data. 

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