
Triona contributes to BIM standardization

13 June 2019

The BIM-standard Industry Foundation Classes (IFC), developed within buildingSMART International (bSI), is being extended with support for infrastructure Projects, e.g. Bridges, Tunnels, Roads and Railways. Triona participates in the development of an IFC Road extension, where Karin Anderson, Trafikverket is the project manager, and also in IFC Common schema Project, that deals with topics common to the whole infrastructure field.

On the 31st of May, an expert panel webinar was held regarding the draft conceptual model for IFC Road which was developed by a team lead by Lars Wikström, Triona. In the panel there were experts from all continents, providing valuable input. Based on input from these experts, a final version of the conceptual model will be developed and issued. After this, a proposal for the actual IFC Schema Extension for Roads, based on the conceptual model, is scheduled for issuing and ready for implementation during 2019.

Relevant information is essential to work effectively and efficiently with design, construction, maintenance and operations and helps Infrastructure owners to demand relevant content in information deliveries from their consultants and contractors. Standards like IFC is a prerequisite that enables software that is used during the different phases of the lifecycle to communicate without data loss or data corruption. Because of working in this project, Triona together with our partners, will be able to contribute effectively to the implementation of BIM with our clients. In addition, it provides valuable insights for our own efforts around Asset Information Management. An example of how our customers can benefit from it is a pilot that uses digital information at the contractor ACCIONA and Norwegian Nye Veier.

The draft conceptual model proposal can be found here.

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